We live in such a society where its considered prestegious to wear footwear even while eating or when in house.We are in a period where a person's status is determined by looking at his footwear and from the kind of shoes he wears.it has become a necessity to wear shoes while exercising or even when walking.people are forced into this kind of situation by some kind of inherent fear. they fear that others would underestimate them and their status if they walk bare foot.
But the very modern research has proved that walking bare foot will increase the blood circulation to the feet and aids in healthy living and that each and everyone should walk bare foot atleast for sometime daily.
while walking bare foot on a rough surface , the foot gets direct pressure.it has been found out that this will increase the effectiveness of body's functions.there are various points in the lower foot which has direct connection with the brain , heart , kidney and various other parts of our body.so when pressure is applied in these points directly , will in turn increase the efficiency of the concerned part's perfomance.We all are aware of the modern accupuncture system using needles to cure diseases. this is a kind of natural accupuncture system.
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